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Mortgage Advisor salary in Germany

Average Yearly Salary of Mortgage Advisor in Germany is approximately 52,834 EUR (52,992 USD). Data is for 2025 and indicates a pre-tax value. The salary itself depends on multiple factors such as seniority, job performance, certifications, experience or any other bonuses. The value indicated is an average amount based on records we have in database. Real values may vary. The data is for orientational purposes.

What does Mortgage Advisor do?

occupation personasA mortgage advisor is a financial professional who provides guidance and advice to individuals seeking to secure a mortgage loan. They work closely with clients to understand their financial situation, goals, and preferences, and then assess various mortgage options available to them. Mortgage advisors help clients navigate the complex mortgage market, assisting them in finding the most suitable loan terms, interest rates, and repayment plans. They also provide support throughout the application process, ensuring that all necessary documents are prepared and submitted correctly.

Skills: Mortgage advisor, Financial professional, Mortgage loans, Financial guidance, Mortgage market, Loan application process
Job industry: Finance

How much does Mortgage Advisor make?

Salary details
How much does Mortgage Advisor make?
Estimated Yearly Salary: 52,834 EUR
Estimated Monthly Salary: 4,403 EUR
Estimated Weekly Salary: 1,016 EUR per week
Estimated Hourly Salary: 25 EUR per hour
Values are pre-tax
Last revision of data: 2025-01-04

Comparing salary to last year:
Estimated Yearly Salary: 51,212 EUR
Estimated Monthly Salary: 4,268 EUR
Estimated Weekly Salary: 985 EUR per week
Estimated Hourly Salary: 25 EUR per hour
Last revision of data: 2024-01-06

Mortgage Advisor estimated salary in USD
For easier comparison here is an estimated salary in USD:
Estimated Yearly Salary: 52,992 USD
Estimated Monthly Salary: 4,416 USD
Estimated Weekly Salary: 1,019 USD per week
Estimated Hourly Salary: 25 USD per hour

Difference in salary year over year or average salary increase is approximately up arrow 3 %

About these results Data confidence is - relatively high
Data fetched from dabase: 14 submissions.
Results are anonymized. Amounts indicated are pre-tax, meaning no deductionts yet have been made to the basic salary. Salaries where there are less than 3 entries are not displayed.

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Salary comparison to National average

Germany, located in Central Europe, is a country known for its rich history, diverse culture, and strong economy. With a population of approximately 83 million people, it is the most populous country in the European Union. Germany covers an area of around 357,022 square kilometers, making it the seventh-largest country in Europe.

Estimated national average yearly salary is 48,585 EUR (53,390 USD). Value indicated is pre-tax. Below graph shows estimated Mortgage Advisor job salary compared to average salary in Germany.
Comparison shows that a person working as Mortgage Advisor in Germany earns on average:
1.09 times the average salary (or 109% of average salary).

Is Mortgage Advisor a well paid job?

Yes, our data show that Mortgage Advisor is an averagely well paid job that still allows for some yearly savings. With years and experience the salary might increase even further, resulting in higher satisfaction.

What is considered a high salary for Mortgage Advisor?

High salary for Mortgage Advisor would be somewhere between 58,117 EUR and 76,609 EUR. However this is an estimation based on Gaussian Distribution.

How much can you save working as Mortgage Advisor in Germany?

Living in Germany the approximate monthly expenses are: 2,136 USD. This amount covers basic needs such as food, housing, clothing, healthcare and education costs for a single person. No luxury expenses such as traveling, leisure, hobbies are included in the estimation.

Estimated Yearly Salary: 52,834 EUR
Estimated Monthly Salary: 4,403 EUR
Estimated Weekly Salary: 1,016 EUR per week
Estimated Hourly Salary: 25 EUR per hour
By working as Mortgage Advisor a person can save up to 2,280 USD per month or 27,365 USD yearly. Values are pre-tax.

NOTE: These values are estimates and are averaged for the whole country. Furthermore the value is likely exaggerated as no other expenses are taken into account in the projection. Unessential expenses are very subjective and are difficult to assess. Most likely the previously estimated number is significantly lower for majority of people. Expenses in different cities across the country may vary. Above values accuracy is low and is based on limited set of data obtained.

For more information regarding expenses in Germany, see costs of living in Germany.

Salary comparison to region and neighbouring coutries

Country's neighbours are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland.
To make it easier for comparison a conversion from local currency to USD has been made (conversion rates may vary).

Estimated Yearly Salary for Mortgage Advisor

Austria is 55,752 USDup arrow 5%
Details on Mortgage Advisor salary in Austria
Belgium is 48,234 USDdown arrow 9%
Details on Mortgage Advisor salary in Belgium
Czech Republic is 26,476 USDdown arrow 50%
Details on Mortgage Advisor salary in Czech Republic
Denmark is 72,924 USDup arrow 38%
Details on Mortgage Advisor salary in Denmark
France is 45,385 USDdown arrow 14%
Details on Mortgage Advisor salary in France
Luxembourg is 90,805 USDup arrow 71%
Details on Mortgage Advisor salary in Luxembourg
Netherlands is 56,897 USDup arrow 7%
Details on Mortgage Advisor salary in Netherlands
Poland is 18,249 USDdown arrow 66%
Details on Mortgage Advisor salary in Poland
Switzerland is 88,812 USDup arrow 68%
Details on Mortgage Advisor salary in Switzerland
Last revision of data: 2025-01-04

Salary increase per years of experience

Based on data available the salary increase per years of experience is as following

    0 years (beginner) equals base salary
    1 to 5 years of experience yields up arrow+13% salary increase
    6 to 10 years of experience yields up arrow+24% salary increase
    11 to 15 years of experience yields up arrow+15% salary increase
    16 to 25 years of experience yields up arrow+8% salary increase
    more than 25 years of experience yields up arrow+9% salary increase
NOTE: Details based on limited set of data. Percentages may vary. The salary increase over years of experience can vary widely based on factors such as job industry, job role, location, company size, and individual performance. To gain even larger increase in salary one is advised to switch jobs and / or employer.

Top 10 highest salaries in Germany

(555,253 EUR per year, pre-tax.)
(462,849 EUR per year, pre-tax.)
(447,264 EUR per year, pre-tax.)
(435,504 EUR per year, pre-tax.)
(435,000 EUR per year, pre-tax.)
(425,008 EUR per year, pre-tax.)
(425,006 EUR per year, pre-tax.)
(424,882 EUR per year, pre-tax.)
(423,466 EUR per year, pre-tax.)
(423,119 EUR per year, pre-tax.)

Data as of 2025

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mortgage advisor salary in germany 2025
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