Home > Salary > Japan > Construction
Average nation-wide salary in Japan is 42440 USD. This is the average salary of all jobs across all industries and represents the sum of all individual salaries divided by the number of earners. The value is intended for reference purposes.
Data is for 2025 and indicates a pre-tax value. Values are averages and are calculated assuming the employee works the entire year without taking any sick days or unpaid vacation.
Calculation is based on 531 different job(s) and occupations across construction industry that are currently in our database.
Some of these jobs are (but not limited to):
field engineer construction
finishing foreman
finish carpenter
Consider contributing to our database by submitting your own salary in this category.
Data as of 2025
Data as of 2025
In addition to this fact, there are also very big difference between categories / job industries. For example average salary in dental industry might be higher than average salary in manufacturing, but judging by the country's average jobs in both industries could earn significantly more (or less) than that. Jobs in in Construction industry might fall under this disparity as well.
Source of data for national average salary:
Governments or statistical agencies (data is collected annually through labor market surveys, census data, or employment registries).
Adjustments: Sometimes, the data is adjusted for outliers, part-time workers, or seasonal employment to provide a more accurate representation.
We calculate average Construction industry salary in Japan based on above criteria(s).
For more questions please feel free to contact us.
Data presented above is based on calculations on data, derived from our database.
Please see how we obtain data or submit your own salary to contribute.
Average Salary in Japan in Construction industry
Average Yearly Salary in construction industry in Japan is approximately 48641 USD. As per our records comparing to national average of Japan the salaries for jobs in construction industry are considered to be above average. See details below.Average nation-wide salary in Japan is 42440 USD. This is the average salary of all jobs across all industries and represents the sum of all individual salaries divided by the number of earners. The value is intended for reference purposes.
How much does construction Industry pay in Japan in 2025?
In the section below you can see the breakdown of salaries across this industry.
Average Yearly Salary in construction industry in Japan is approximately 48641 USD
Average Monthly Salary in construction industry in Japan is approximately 4053 USD
Average Weekly Salary in construction industry in Japan is approximately 901 USD
Average Hourly Salary in construction industry in Japan is approximately 23 USD per hour
In the section below you can see the breakdown of salaries across this industry.
Average Yearly Salary in construction industry in Japan is approximately 48641 USD
Average Monthly Salary in construction industry in Japan is approximately 4053 USD
Average Weekly Salary in construction industry in Japan is approximately 901 USD
Average Hourly Salary in construction industry in Japan is approximately 23 USD per hour
Some of these jobs are (but not limited to):
field engineer construction
finishing foreman
finish carpenter
Consider contributing to our database by submitting your own salary in this category.
Highest salaries in Japan in construction industry
Details on highest paying jobs in Japan in construction job industry can be found below. For more detailed information click on the job of interest.(443,812 USD per year, pre-tax.)
2. Cardiologist
(369,352 USD per year, pre-tax.)
(356,963 USD per year, pre-tax.)
4. Neurosurgeon
(345,634 USD per year, pre-tax.)
(344,414 USD per year, pre-tax.)
(337,815 USD per year, pre-tax.)
7. Oncologist
(337,515 USD per year, pre-tax.)
(337,345 USD per year, pre-tax.)
(337,137 USD per year, pre-tax.)
10. Urologist
(336,135 USD per year, pre-tax.)
Highest salaries in Japan
Details on highest paying jobs in Japan are presented in below list. For additional details on specific jobs/occupations click on any job below.(443,812 USD per year, pre-tax.)
2. Cardiologist
(369,352 USD per year, pre-tax.)
(356,963 USD per year, pre-tax.)
4. Neurosurgeon
(345,634 USD per year, pre-tax.)
(344,414 USD per year, pre-tax.)
(337,815 USD per year, pre-tax.)
7. Oncologist
(337,515 USD per year, pre-tax.)
(337,345 USD per year, pre-tax.)
(337,137 USD per year, pre-tax.)
10. Urologist
(336,135 USD per year, pre-tax.)
Definition of the used on this page?
Average nation-wide yearly salary
The average salary in Japan represents the total income earned by all workers across all categories or job industries divided by the number of workers. So for example if there are 1 million active workers registered in a country, the average salary would be the sum of all those yearly salaries divided by 1 million. Average salary thus gives an overall picture of earnings but may be inacurate, since it can not reflect what most people earn. This is due to the fact that there might be high-income disparity.In addition to this fact, there are also very big difference between categories / job industries. For example average salary in dental industry might be higher than average salary in manufacturing, but judging by the country's average jobs in both industries could earn significantly more (or less) than that. Jobs in in Construction industry might fall under this disparity as well.
Source of data for national average salary:
Governments or statistical agencies (data is collected annually through labor market surveys, census data, or employment registries).
Adjustments: Sometimes, the data is adjusted for outliers, part-time workers, or seasonal employment to provide a more accurate representation.
Average Salary
This is the amount that an individual would earn working in Construction industry in Japan per year. Simply put, this is the sum of all 12 monthly base salaries (no bonuses or any other add-ups are considered).Monthly Salary
This is the amount of money an individual earns per month, each month in Japan in Construction industry. This salary is typically calculated by taking the annual (yearly salary) and divide it by 12. Example 100.000$ yearly salary would translate to 100.000 / 12 = 8.333$ per month (base salary).Weekly Salary
The weekly salary is the income earned over a week. This salary is typically calculated by taking the monthly salary and divide it by 4,5 or by taking the yearly salary and divide it by 52. This salary represents the amount a person would earn on average on a hourly basis in Japan in Construction industry.Hourly Rate
The hourly rate is what the worker would earn in a day, if the day has 8 working hours. This value is commonly used in part-time or contract jobs where pay is based on the number of actual hours worked.Disclaimer:
We calculate average Construction industry salary in Japan based on above criteria(s).
For more questions please feel free to contact us.
Data presented above is based on calculations on data, derived from our database.
Please see how we obtain data or submit your own salary to contribute.